Ordering WinSignals service
Find out everything regarding ordering WinSignals service on this page!
The WinSignals 4.0 project is doing very well. It celebrated five years in this version with mobile app since its inception in February 2021. As a perfect celebration, signals achieved incredible results in Y 2020 - 86% signals out of 445 signals sent successfully reached the predicted value of profit target. In Y 2019, the success of predictions within 15 days of sending the signal even reached 90%, which means that 278 out of a total of 308 signals reached the predicted value of Profit Target. It can't get any better and the clients enjoy it!
Notice: Join us now! You have a unique opportunity to try WinSignals for 4 weeks for only 7% of the usual price, and then fix your current price permanently simply by using a smart order with the current price.
My tip: Start with the START WINSIGNALS series and proceed to SMART ORDER with a quarterly payment. In the long run, this is the best option.
Order WinSignals for the best price!
- 1We watch markets instead of you and we send you notifications about profitable situations right into your mobile phone!
- 2We send you trading signals about markets with the most liquid assets and prediction success rate of 70-90%!
- 3Only with us, you can use the most recent mobile app for iPhone or Android and have all the signals under control!
- 4Only with us, you will save time, make your life simple and gain peace of mind and stability in trading!
- 5For more than five years now, we have been statistically more successful than 98% of other participants on the stock market – this is achievable only with us!
Do you want to multiply your account by 2-6% in a month,
not depending on your broker?

Ordering WinSignals from this web site:
Select the best order option for you on this page.
Order WinSignals service by filling your data into the ordering form. Accept the Terms and Conditions, subscribe the WinSignals and pay by your chosen payment method - by card or bank wire.
Within some minutes after payment, you will receive a confirmation email with your Login data, and from that time on, you will be able to log into the mobile app and you will be able to receive all the current WinSignals signals. Please check your email inbox as well as your spam or bulk mailbox.
Download the WinSignals App
Using the AppStore mobile app (for iOS, on Apple devices) or GooglePlay (for Android systems), download the WinSignals mobile app (can be found easily, using the search) and install it on your mobile phone.
For login please enter the Name (your email address) and Password, which you have received from us via confirmation email. On the login screen, press the button
An application with our successful Winsignals will open.
By ordering WinSignals service you will get:
After your first payment is received, you will get an email with information about WinSignals product and mainly, how to use it in practice incl. manual, how to download and use mobile app.
- We will send you log in data to mobile app.Winsignals can be traded anywhere in the world directly from your PC or mobile phone running on Android or iOS.
- WS Mobile AlertsNotifications on potential profitable development of prices on the stock market, trading signals with success rate of 80-90%
- WPR Mobile AlertsAlert after reaching the predicted level of PT profit for simple trade management - Win Profit Report. Win Profit Report alerts are included in the price for WinSignals service.
- We will provide you with necessary information and user service.We only send selected WinSignals with the Highest Reliability Rating to the mobile application!
- Time for yourselfMake your life simple on the stock market and save time with us!

You can easily download and install the app by typing "WinSignals" into the search form in the AppStore or Google Play.
Please read the General Terms and Conditions before completing your order. You confirm that you are familiar with them and that you respect them by submitting your order.
Choose the best order option for you:
A standard WinSignals service order requires a single payment for a selected period, using a selected method – card or wire transfer. This type of order is less convenient, but it caters to the needs of those of you, who prefer not to use the more advantageous smart order, which employs repeated automatic payments using a card.
The smart WinSignals service requires repeated automatic card payments (RACP) without the need for further orders or keeping track of payments and subscription expiry dates. The smart order saves time and money for you as well as for us! That is why here you can get the best prices for the least amount of worries!
Stock market signal subscription selection. For both types of payments you can select periods of 1, 3, 6 or 12 months!
The prices below are without VAT. The final price thus needs to include the VAT, which can be a deductible item for VAT payers for IT services.
If you already know, what you want,
click right on the ordering button:

1 month order:
1 month 62 EUR
3 month order:
3 month 169 EUR
Amount per month is 56 EUR
6 month order:
6 month 293 EUR
Amount per month is 49 EUR
12 month order:
12 month 506 EUR
Amount per month is 42 EUR
Recurring credit card payment is more beneficial!

1 month order:
1 month 54 EUR
3 month order:
3 month 149 EUR
Amount per month is 50 EUR
6 month order:
6 month 229 EUR
Amount per month is 38 EUR
12 month order:
12 month 389 EUR
Amount per month is 32 EUR
If you order for the first time and you want try-out WinSignals, here you can find this option:
Order a WinSignals service and we will activate it as soon as possible
within a few minutes after we receive your payment!